Welcome to NOIRE_simulation’s documentation!

Welcome to NOIRE noire_simulation NOIRE is a french acronym that stands for “Nanosatellites pour un Observatoire Interferometrique Radio dans l’Espace” which means “Nanosatellites for a Radio Interferometer Observartory in Space”. The refence paper can be found at https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016sf2a.conf..339C/abstract

This python package enables to simulate radio Interferometric observations. It is sprecialized for orbiting arrays (NOIRE SunRISE). It can also be used to simulate observation with ground-based interferometers. An example with the VLA is provided in xxxx section.


This package is made to be very flexible. It can certainly suits your interests. You are welcome to ask for complementary functionalities. Please send an email to erwan.rouille@obspm.fr


NOIRE_simulation is still under developement. Please report any you may encounter.

Who am I ?

I am Erwan Rouillé, a 2nd year PhD student at the Paris Observatory - LESIA. My PhD focuses on the mission profile for NOIRE. I also work on the derivation of the scientific requirements. That part leads me to develop this simulation tool.

Getting Started

Sky Model


Indices and tables